
The group consists of three sections; Beaver Scouts for young people aged 6 to 8 years, Cub Scouts for young people aged 8 to 10½ years and Scouts for young people aged 10½ to 14 years.  Each Section has its own identity, ethos and style. They all have adult support that varies in style across the different age groups.

All sections are open to girls as well as boys.

    There are several important things, which make Scouting different from many other youth organisations:

    • We are a uniformed movement
    • We use 'Lodges', 'Sixes' and 'Patrols' of about 6 young people who work together, learning from and supporting each other
    • We involve young people in decision making as part of their development

    Click on the buttons above to learn more about each section.

    Get in touch

      |   0800 987 7897
